Catch of the Week 38: throwing money

CotW 38 munt

Castulo, Jaén (Spain) ‘Helmeted sphinx walking right, star before’ Circa 50 BC. 2,6 cm. (13,40 gr.) Verso: Diademed male head right

In Andalusia, in the first Century BC. coins were used, showing a helmetet sphinx, thin wings straight up, in amble on an indicated base line. Above its raised left front paw a star depicted (here a flowerform is used: a point from which petals/stripes radiate).

It is from Spain that every year Sinterklaas travels to the Netherlands by steam boat. And his story also relates to coins. Sinterklaas, Saint Nicholas, born on March 15, 270, became bishop of Myra, the modern Demre in Turkey. He is considered a sympathic Saint, due to his many miracles. One of those involved a family with three girls, so poor it was impossible to provide a proper drowry. During nighttime Sinterklaas went to the house to throw golden coins inside for the maidens. That is why candy is still thrown, and at nighttime presents are brought on his day of death (December 6 (343)).



