Catch of the Week 24: Adieu summer holiday!

CotW Adieu souvenir

French, pendentif with sphinx and crescent moon with star, brass and glass, 3,6 x 1,7 x 0,4 cm.

Schools are starting again, holiday is over! Pictures of our experiences were apped, shared on facebook. But also in the pre-digital era memories of the journey were wished to keep. Here is a very fine example of a piece of jewelry that showed on one side the sphinx backed up (not after reality) by an obelisk, described with pseudo-hieroglyphs, on the third plane three pyramids and a rising sun. It is actually a small box that can be opened and which contains a glass plate.

CotW Adieu souvenir interior

I recently saw another example on ebay that made the function of a souvenir box clear: originally there were two pieces of glass, where in between a leporello of souvenirpictures were held.

Click here to see the original photo’s inside the souvenir box



